Wake up and talk to Rona again. Buy all the spells from the alchemist shop and select them from the inventory to make Lars learn them. Visit him in the dwarven womans house in Thornkeep, he will give you a gnome orb. There is a blue chest in inner room of the palace; the chest is locked, so you can come back later when you know how to open them. Enter the ice caverns and unlock the door with the crystal key (ignore the door to your left for now as that leads to the temple). None of the thieves will talk to you, but your visit at this place will trigger another event at the Sedona palace. Ahriman's Prophecy; Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. You can buy a manor for 5000 gold pennies from him in Sedona. Talk to Tiberius and Alora, you will be given two quests, but you can accomplish either of them not both (will be discussed later). Get the black hide whip and come back to the bridge. There are many guilds all throughout the world and Lars can join a guild to learn the spells specific to that type of magic, but since he can only join one throughout the game, you should choose wisely. Follow the purple colored path to find the way to Thais. I can walk by day and night. Carry on and exit the cavern. Talk to her again and she will give you a quest (side quest no.41). Enter the underground chambers to your right. Collect the other items from the area which you couldnt collect before (example chest, book page, etc). Enter the Item shop and buy both the wedding rings you see on the table. After you do so, return to the queen of Veldt. Our Aveyond 2 Walkthrough contains everything you need in order to play this unforgettable adventure game. Increase Speed-Use this goody to get the speed crystal & increase the speed of your characters. Exit the ball room and enter your manor. Start looking for the dirt piles. You can now make Teijal/Galalad wear it as an accessory, it will increase her attack and defense by 50%. He will give you a golden goose. So when I say go back by two screens it means that starting from the current area (screen) you go back to the previous area and then to the previous of this area through the passages you have followed. The Time Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined any other guild then you can join here. For the time being you can talk to the fairy prince and the little girl-tiny. From there go to Tea cup town. Enter the cat-Tidbits mushroom house and he will give you a quest (side quest no.10). Power Weapon & Power Armor-Use this goody to get the best armor and the best weapons. I will not mention places which are easy to locate (e.g the palace, any person in the village, etc.). The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. Explore Thais thoroughly; talk to Hector and try to take his torch, he agrees to give it on one condition (see side quest no.46). You will need it to complete another quest later (side quest no.19). From there go south and you will see two caves on both sides. He seeks to do this by using his demonic allies to capture the druids who can unlock the Sword of Shadows and by sending Dameon to enlist Rhen's trust. 2. Watch the conversation. Talk to the squirrels, you will find birds seed in a corner. Be ready to face your next boss-Tawrich. Now go to the peninsula. A powerful. You can instantly change back to the sword singers outfit after that! The answers to the puzzles are-. Follow the arrow direction. Press the escape (Esc) key to pull up the game menu. Walkthrough for Aveyond?? - Aveyond: Rhen's Quest - GameSpot After reaching the castle, open the blue chest to get the magic picklock. You will find three ways branching out in front of you. The chest beside the harpy has 1 haunch. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. The fairies with you will join the others there and the prince will give you fairy dust in return. Follow the southern path to reach a house. This Wiki has the potential to be a public monument to our small but persistent fandom. Give it to grazilda. If you like games like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Warrior, you are going to love Aveyond. Follow the path and you will come across a bifurcation. Talk to him, he will give you something. She will give you a bridle to use on a dragon. Forums | Aveyond Studios You will find the bean seed has grown into a tree. The chests here yield nightmare bow, an elixir, a power acorn and a salmon. That area is almost linear with a chest on your way to the other end. This is the first title in the Aveyond series, following the prologue, Ahriman's Prophecy. Ascend another ladder and enter the cave to your north. Now follow the path on your front from the entrance till you see a chest (contains haunch). You are presented another puzzle-the color puzzle. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest wallthrough - YouTube Agnes will not give you any reward! Enter the cave entrance. Follow his instructions carefully as he would tell you everything you need to know. You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. Talk to the one on the left, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.42). Return by one screen and open the chest to find 150 gold pennies. Get out of the house, open the gate, get down the stairs and go down. You will find a solitary quail egg lying on the soil too somewhere here. The man with the backpack sells useful items. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. The chest has power acorn. Return to the bifurcation and take the other path through the unlocked gate. The druids are: Find Lars in his room in the sorcery dormitory (the 3rd room on your right in the top row of rooms). After that click on the lamp beside the queen, the genie will transfer to the fancy lamp. If you like classic role playing games, you are going to love Aveyond. Get back one screen and trace back your way to the bifurcation. Then continue walking from where you left off. Aveyond 4: Shadow of the Mist | Aveyond Studios Return to clear water- Rhen will marry Danny and live a peaceful and happy life at Clearwater. You will land up in point 2 in the next map. Since we dont have a pick lock we need not go there now. Press the first switch and continue till you see another moving ball. Since the walkthrough is quite big, you can use the Find command to instantly jump to any word or phrase in the guide. First grab the two chests on the east to find 900 gold pennies and the belt of hippolyte. It contains a chest with 250 gold pennies. Activate both the switches that you see on your sides. I personally recommend playing the game first without the walkthrough and after having played it once, replay it using the walkthrough. Kill the red toad and exit the cave, you will see a rope on your left. Enter it and follow the left route. Exit his house and enter the squirrels hideout. Enter that cave. Lands end- walk to your left from the entrance, the north path is a loop. Walk outside the dormitory and you will find Lorad waiting to test her. Refer the map to go through the dungeon onto the exit through point 1 in the map below: The enemies have around 15000 hp and cast massive blows which can kill your party members. Go to Aveyond and select your reward- the Climbing Guide or Cooking Guide. Keep walking along the path, climb down a ladder and carry on till you reach another ladder going up. Enter Rhens room and you will find that its size has increased. He will ask you to stake a vampire and bring back here to register you in the adventurer club. Climb up the ladder and go up to the cave exit point 6 in map W. You will land up in map X at point no.6. Walk back to the entrance of the memory caverns and take the northern path, which will lead to another exit. If you have an elixir in your inventory then just exit the house and enter again. He inflicts sleep and causes fire damage. Lets get Tidbits quest done quickly. If you land on the pirates market then dont forget to buy the pick lock. Heal up and save before you fight. You can also buy some salmons from the fish seller. We need go to the squirrels hideout in highlands. Quest complete. Select the love potion from your inventory and see what happens! but first you'll have to do a little quest for sedona's king. There on your left you will find a chest. From there head south till you come across a signpost. Aveyond Tips Walkthrough - Gamezebo We will come back to it. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest | Aveyond Studios Travel up north and then to your west from a bifurcation. The maps are courtesy of the Aveyond community at Amaranth Games and have been used with permission. Take the bird seed on the upper right side of the cave and exit. If you chose weapon goody then you will find the best armors and weapons in you inventory, equip them on your characters. He will give you the sludgemaster 2000 since you gave back Binis voice. She will give you a love potion. When you reach a house with a save point, then it means you have arrived at Oldwoods. Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? Exit from there and re-enter Blackroot System. The enemy troops are pretty strong here and some cast poison. SOME BASIC INSTRUCTIONS I personally recommend playing the game first without the walkthrough and after having played it once, replay it using the walkthrough. Now there are two uses of this statue. Talk to Teijal, she asks for the sun block cream and joins your party. Change to your new outfit. It has two flame spells. If you cant find how to go there, then from the signpost at lowlands, take the dirt path to your east. This goodie is included in the later part of the game and need not be downloaded. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest Q&A for PC - GameFAQs The note gives the hint as to which color cube will fit in here. You will find Talia waiting for you. If youve already taken the slippers from grazilda in new witchwood, give it to her. Please check the unanswered questions to see if you can help answer them.
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