Private Bernie Sevel, a scout for C Company, 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Divisionthe Tough Ombresshot round after round as the plane closed the range. As the 4th Armd Div on the immediate right was holding fast, the 1st bn was swung into the gap which thus developed and followed on the right rear of the 2nd Bn. 3rd Bn executed similar maneuver on the left flank of the 2nd Bn and in this wedge formation the Regiment advance to its initial objective cutting the PERIERS CARENTAN Road, 2 Kms SW of RAIDS. 2nd Bn 359th Inf, Division Reserve, was ordered forward at 1400 and marched to assembly area at the crossroads at LA BAGOTTERIE. However, the extremely heavy mortar and artillery fire absorbed by this company broke its spirit and the prevalence of stragglers denied it any successful offensive action. Throughout the day positions were readjusted and improved without molestation from the enemy on the far side of the SEVES R. 358th Inf: On this day the VIII Corps met uniformly strong and determined resistance along its entire front and by dark had registered only negligible gains. District of Columbia. During the early part of the day, the three battalions in line (in order from right to left, 3rd, 2nd 359th Inf, 1st) on Division order maintained their positions on the eastern portion of the FORET prepared to initiate the attack pivoting on the 1st Bn. 34d Bn had the mission of making a limited attack to high ground to its immediate front and from that position to assist by fire the advance of the 1st and 2nd Bns until they made contact, one with the other, permitting reconstitution of the 3rd as regimental reserve. It was felt that the ISLAND should be captured and held as a preliminary operation to provide the Division with a better LD. 1st Bn remained in its original position until the reserve Bn of the 121st Inf had come abreast of it and then moved left to an assembly position as Regimental Reserve. By 1300 all leading elements had reached the ST SAUVEUR LENDELIN MARGINY ROAD. A counterattack against K Co was beaten off prior to dark. 23 March 1944: Third Army, but attached to First Army. Gen. Inactivated: 27 December 1945 at Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts. 359th Inf halted on Division order the general line from LA HOUSSAYE (269622) HAUTE CAPALIE (300625). C Co was forced back with heavy casualties and became intermingled with K Co; these 2 Cos were subsequently reorganized as one unit and fought as such for the next several days. A coordinated attack preceded by the support of all available artillery was launched upon the town at 1900. All men were saved, but the bulk of the equipment other than individual was lost. The book is well written and helps fill in some of the time gaps in "Show Me The Hero". D-Day and Battle of Normandy Encyclopedia. 79th Inf Div on the right flank of the Corps had sustained enemy counter-attacks W of LA HAYE DU PUITS throughout the day. The 357th Infantry upon being relieved by the 79th Infantry Division reverted to Division Reserve. 2nd Bn 359th Inf jumped off parallel to and on the left of the 3rd Bn 358th Inf when the latters advance had brought them abreast. Div CP opened at CHATEAU FRANCQUETOT at 1700. The headquarters was organized on 8 August 1921. 358th Inf: 90th Infantry Division. In an attempt to exploit the momentary success of the 1st Bn, the 2nd Bn was directed to cross in the formers wake and then attack E. But disorganization in the battalion was so widespread that only G Co was able to cross. 1 Km S of PERIERS it passed through the 90th Rcn Tr and took up the fight against a strong Boche blocking detachment on that road. All efforts to force the stream line were repulsed, and the battalion secured for the night on the positions it had won by mid-afternoon. Reorganization, rehabilitation and training were prosecuted with vigor in preparation for imminent future operations. Their attack was very effective it greatly aided the 358th Infantry in its approach to Pont lAbbe. > Boche pressure slackened; it was later determined that the paratrooper force, having accomplished its mission of restoring the line, had been replaced by a less elite combat group. In the eyes of higher headquarters the Division setback was inexplicable but in vindication of the officers and men who had fought, bled and died in a heroic attempt to make the attack a success it must be stated that a curious series of cumulative circumstances had combined to deny success. Infantry and Engineer reconnaissance parties were dispatched by the Division to reconnoiter possible crossing sites along the Merderet River within the contemplated zone of action. Firmed its position on the Division right and instituted an effective harassing fire plan directed at the Boche confronting them. During the morning hours, a very few men from I and L Co worked their way back to our lines and reported that the great bulk of the two isolated companies had been killed or captured. Thus on the eve of August the 90th Div was spiritually and physically ready for the stellar role it was about to be given. By midnight the battalion had reached the road, connecting up with the 3rd Bn to its right rear. It was active in Europe as part of the 90th Infantry Division during World War I and World War II, and components of the regiment were later part of the United States Army Reserve. 357th Inf: The 357th Inf, hampered by poor ground and insufficient maneuver room had been roughly handled, but was capable of containing within its zone, while the main Division effort veered to the right. While the 60th Infantry Regiment made good progress north-westward, the 359th Infantry of the 90th Division, turning north-northwest toward Orglandes, was opposed stubbornly, field by field. In one or more jurisdictions, laws other than copyright are known to impose restrictions on the use of this Item. They were likewise employed to guard communications from the regimental CP across the wilderness to Bn forward positions. Army strategy dictated that the Corps hold in place for the time being, pending development in other areas. Here is the history of the 90th Infantry Division, of which the 359th was part. 315 Engr Bnwhich had for the past 5 days operated exclusively as a combat unit, was relieved at daylight from its position atop the FORET and returned to much neglected Engr work. Download Images of Signal, Dvids - Free for commercial use, no attribution required. The enemy penetration was neutralized by a counterattack and the lines restored. 2nd Bn 358th Inf by Division order was scheduled to revert to regimental control at such time as it should be passed through by the advance of the 2nd Bn 359th Inf. 357th Inf: G Co crossed the River without difficulty and overran the first German entrenchments. Reconnaissance for a suitable site consumed a considerable amount of time and it was well towards evening before the 3rd Bn completed crossing. Moved from its positions on the Div left flank to maintain contact with the 121st inf on the Div right. Division FO for the attack, prepared, after detailed terrain analysis and several staff and commanders conferences were released at 1300. D-Day for the big drive had been announced as 25 July. The 359th (-1 BN) was released from assignment to the 4th Infantry Division and reverted to the control of the 90th Division on 10 June. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Plans called for two regiments to attack abreast, take an intermediate objective and then push on to the final goal. FEBBRARO, ANTHONY A. Captain, Medical Corps, U.S. Army Medical Detachment, 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division Date of Action: 12 June 1944 Citation: The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, . . 358th Inf: He was killed in action on December 7, 1944 in the vicinity of Pachten, Germany. This website is only in its very early stages, aiming to give a full spectrum of data on World War II fighting units, including details on organization, commanders, and literature. [3] The regiment remained in Europe for post-war occupation duty following the Armistice of November 11, 1918 and was demobilized at Camp Bowie, Texas on June 24, 1919. 5 July 1944 90th Infantry Division. At noon, on Div order, the 3rd Bn was directed to move from its assembly position in the vicinity of ST JORES to attack W through the valley to clean out the resistance in the rear of the 359th Inf as far as the town of LITHAIRE. Renewing the advance at 1600, 3rd Bn bypassed PERIERS and moved astride the PERIERS COUTANCES Road. The attack was finally postponed until the next day, and in lieu thereof plans were completed for the relief of the Engr Bn by the 3rd Bn under cover of darkness. Advancing rapidly at first, the Bn soon encountered enemy in strength and at darkness was still held E of LITHAIRE; it had succeeded however, in guaranteeing a safe line of communication to the summit of the FORET in rear of the 1st and 3rd Bns of the 359th Inf. 3rd Bn held in place throughout the day reorganizing. The RCT 9 moved by battalion to the vicinity of Bandienvielle, still part of the 4th Infantry Divisions Reserve. 357th Inf: 2nd Bn had moved 1 company forward under cover of darkness to outpost its LD generally along the line vacated by the 1st Bn 358th Inf in its slideslip to the right. 358th Inf: By 2030, patrols of the 1st and 2nd Battalions had entered the town. Akins, Thomas W. MAJ, "Operations of Company "E", 442nd Infantry Regiment, Attached to 92nd Division, at San Terenzo, Italy, 20-23 April 1945" (Po Valley Campaign) Albright, Barry E. CPT , "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 508th Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, in the Invasion of Normandy, 5-13 June 1944" (Normandy Campaign 20-21 July 1944 The entire VIII Corps was inactive, its resumption of the offensive to the S being contingent upon the initial success of the strong effort planned by the VII Corps in the area NW of ST LO. The lateral movement of the 1st Bn 358th Inf was not completed during the night, and consequently at daybreak elements of the 2 Bns were intermingled. All units continued training and rehabilitation. Our superior artillery and the determination of the infantry repulsed it without gain. The entire front was alive throughout the night. 3rd Bn 358th Inf passed to 359th Inf control at 1345. E Company, 315th Engr Bn, relieved the 2nd Bn 358th Inf on the latters position, at 1500. Br ran into a delaying position just N of the PERIERS ST LO Highway which it overwhelmed at dark. Patrols crossing the SEVES RIVER drew heavy fire from the ground to the S, which in the ensuing days was to become so well known as the ISLAND. VIII Corps planned to attack S, divisions abreast (79th, 82nd, and 90th), between the sea and the PRAIRIES MAR CAGLUSES DE GORGES to initially seize the ground immediately N of LESSAY-PERIERS. The provisional company, after weathering two hours of concentrated shelling, extended its dispositions to the SE to prevent further enemy infiltration which previously had caused a great deal of harassment and to firm contact with elements of 121st Cav Sq, outposting the left flank and rear of the Div zone. The 357th Infantry was assigned to the left sector of the drive and the 358th Infantry to the right sector. 358th Inf: Added to all other difficulties, a dense fog overhung the Division area rendering the much depended upon liaison planes useless. It was consequently directed that the 4th and 6th Armd Divs pass through the 90th and 79th Inf Div respectively and drive towards COUTANCES and points to the S. During the night Div staff completed necessary arrangements for the passage of the armor while the engineers worked with feverish speed to demine the CARENTAN PERIERS Road and provide a passable route through the demolished town itself. 359th Inf: 2nd Bn 358th Inf in the center of the Regtl line was attacked at 0330 by an estimated German battalion. The DSC was awarded to two of his comrades in Company A, 344th Field Artillery Battalion, as well as two men of the 359th Infantry Regiment. 359th Inf: 1st Bn moved from vicinity LASTELLE at 0800 on the right rear of the 3rd Bn 358th Inf. [2] The 359th Infantry Regiment returned to the United States at the end of the war and was inactivated at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey on December 26, 1945. Men are not in the mood to take pictures while all Hell is breaking loose around them. The official history of the 90th Division in WW1 is available for online reading. At 0900 an enemy counterattack supported by tanks and artillery struck between the 2 Cos and forced them back into the first German entrenchments from which they successfully repulsed the Boche. After our return to civilian . Across the entire front enemy reaction was intensified adnd with 8 out of 9 infantry battalions completely committed, the possibility of a damaging enemy counter-thrust loomed large. The 357ths lines ere restored. 90th Light Infantry Division (Wehrmacht) From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Both regiments secured their positions and gained firm lateral contact to prevent the infiltration southward of by-passed enemy elements. At 0800 the head of the 4th Armd Div column passed through PERIERS and rolled unopposed southward to ST SAUVEUR LENDELIN. In the course of the days operations the Div had strengthened its hold on the Foret by 4 Bns as the right flank swung considerably forward. WW2 Army Unit Records Research. Caught at the LD by heavy enemy fire, and unable to fight back effectively, they could not be expected to react like seasoned veterans. The 357th reverted to Division Reserve in the vicinity of Gourbesville. 3rd Bn was moved into position in rear of gap between 1st and 2nd Bn in preparation for its commitment 4 July to relieve the 1st. 2nd Bn, attacking to secure the NE nose of the FORET, encountered heavy resistance throughout the day. (b) 358th Inf, on the left, extended from its contact point with 359th Inf to BAUPTE where contact was maintained with the 83rd Inf Div. [page 331] COMMAND AND STAFF. Was assigned continued responsibility for the spit of land on the Division left and maintenance of contact with the 4th Inf Div. 20 june (D+14) The PRARIES extend S to GORGES, but immediately W of SW of BEAU COUDRAY bocage country resumes. The new division was born quietly but proudly at Camp Barkeley, Texas, on March 25, 1942. Name Beginning With (2) Updated 7/2/11. Today, a memorial wall at the former camp honors the 90th as the liberators of Flossenbrg concentration camp. The only additional reinforcing troops available were the 315th Engr Bn, now assembled in the vicinity of ST JORES and the 121st Cav Sq elements of which were patrolling the PRARIE from the left of the 357th Inf to the BAUPTE causeway. Subsequently the remainder of the Engr Bn was attached and C Co moved into the line to reinforce B Co. 359th Inf: Finally at 1100, elements of F Co pushed across the stream W of SEVES and secured a lodgment but no additional 2nd Bn troops effected a crossing. All units of the Division maintained their respective positions. 391.3.6 Records of cavalry regiments (1916-41) 391.4 RECORDS OF THE ENGINEERS 1846-1939 1,076 lin. It was largely based on what would become the shtat of July 29, 1941, with several variations. 359th Inf: 1st Bn, right assault battalion of the Div, met heavy resistance at the LD from the German garrison vicinity of PRETOT. During the night of the 25th and the morning of the 26th, an enemy patrol struck in force in the area of the OPLR of the 357th and made slight penetration. The attack was firmly repulsed at duck but its weight and fury had delimited the bridgehead to a scant 300 yards depth S of the stream. The 90th Infantry Division was recognized as a liberating unit by the US Army's Center of Military History and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1985. Although it was repulsed, some infiltration continued around the right. The 90th Division in World War I: the Texas-Oklahoma draft division in the great war. 27 june (D+21) The 22nd Infantry Division was a specialized German infantry division in World War II. Thoughtfully written and gratefully shared. 28 July 1944 . It did however control an excellent road net and good flank observation on Boche units facing 357th Inf. Those of you who remember this incident have a picture that is printed indelibly in your memory. The constant mortaring received by this unit made regrouping difficult but by 1700 it had reorganized and was able to push on to take LA BUTTE. 1st Bn advancing without resistance moved rapidly within its zone and by mid-afternoon had secured the CRs N of SEVES. The Division was ordered to seize and hold a line running from the railroad station (288024) to Terre de Beauval (2901). 4th Div Arty, made available to support the attack, moved into prepared positions under cover of darkness. My Account | 3rd Bn moved abreast of the 2nd Bn and swung left, crossing the TAUTE R at LA FOSSAIRE. The mission was completed and no Germans were found. The 1st and 3rd Bn together with the 2nd Bn 358th Inf maintained what was tantamount to a regimental strongpoint against continuous probing and attack. 5 june (D-1) : 3rd Bn 358th Inf, when its front had been covered by their advance, was released from 359th Inf control and rejoined its Regt. [2], A reorganization on March 15, 1963 resulted in the 359th Infantry consisting of two battalions, the 1st and 2nd, which remained part of the 90th Infantry Division. 359th Inf: To give renewed momentum to the attack, 1st Bn 359th Inf was moved through the woods to the left rear of 3rd Bn. 2nd Bn moved to forward assembly positions on the right rear of 1st Bn. DURAUVILLE and GONFREVILLE, and the crossing E of the latter town were seized without incident and the regimental front advanced to the high ground overlooking the SEVES RIVER from NAY inclusive westward to contact the 359th Infantry. A second line of resistance was encountered a few hundred yards S of the stream but the bridgehead established was sufficient to permit the crossing by infiltration of F Company, which swung into action to the left rear of E Company. [3] After completing individual and collective training, the regiment served in France during the war . Effective patrolling was conducted by the 359th Infantry covering a three mile sector. It was assigned to 31st Army, where it remained until . Thus the 1st Bn with 3 Rifle Companies committed was unable to force its way into or through BEAU COUDRAY. 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division 89; 215 . VIII Corps agreed to this plan and preparations were immediately initiated for a dawn attack by the 358th Inf on 19 July. The planned attack of E Co did not materialize because of the failure to organize it properly. The 358th and 359th Infantries continued to defend their sectors. This page was last edited on 5 August 2022, at 13:01. It moved to an alert area and was committed to action in the vicinity of Picauville to the East of Pont lAbbe. We have no pictures of D-Day. The importance of this ground to the Germans was to be made plain in the next few days. The axis of the 90th Division was to attack the PERIERS -ST SAUVEUR LENDELIN Road. 1 Km S of PERIERS it encountered enemy infantry and tanks. 1st Bn, attacking on the right, reached the crossroad N of ST JORES by midmorning against moderate resistance. Prisoners taken during the morning provided evidence of the presence of other German Paratroopers, the cream of the Nazis, in the Div zone. 1st Bn advancing S encountered comparable resistance and eventually halted for the night a few hundred yards to the left front of the 3rd Bn. . By 2100 the town had been mopped up, battalion perimeter established and contact firmed with 2nd Bn 357th Inf on the left. The remainder of the Division sailed eastward along the coast of England. National Purple Heart Hall of Honor. Mr. Winebrenner was a soldier in the 90th Division, 358 Regiment. 29-31 July 1944. (c) 357th Inf would execute a holding attack until pinched out by the advance of the two right regiments, at which time it would revert to Division Reserve. Headquarters 90th Infantry Division APO 90, U.S. Army. Elements of A and D Cos crossed at 1800. Lack of routes and by-passed groups of Boche made communication and supply and extremely difficult and hazardous problem. At 0628 when the preparation started, both battalions were rearward of the prescribed LD. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 Realizing this, all units at dark began a sustained probing of enemy positions for evidence of withdrawal. At 1930 a German attack drove a wedge between the 2nd Bn 358th Inf and 3rd Bn 359th Inf but counterattack restored the lines. The Division Commander received warning orders that the 90th Infantry Division would attack across the Merderet River through the lines of the 8nd Airborne Division with a view to cutting off the Peninsula. The resumption of the attack (in a southeasterly direction) had been planned as a coordinate effort by the 359th and 358th Infs. Hampered only by mines and the inadequacy of routes, the leading regiments advanced rapidly, initially deployed and subsequently, in route column. At 1400 the 3rd Bn 359th Inf and 2nd Bn 358th Inf moved forward, advancing to the EW road just S of the FORET. The main body of the Division arrived off Utah Beach at mid-morning and began debarkation from all three transports simultaneously at 1200. 7th Armd Div on the right while holding in place was to support the attack with all available artillery. The Division plan visualized the commitment of this battalion on the left of the 2nd Bn 359th Inf after the latter had reached the eastern extremity of the narrow corridor through which it was attacking and had turned to the SE. At this point, they came under extremely heavy fire from Hill 92 to their immediate front. From its the N of the ISLAND fired through the day in support of the 359th Inf. During the same period, 3rd Bn, 358th If, still under heavy fire from the enemy mortars, continued reorganization. The 247th Rifle Division was the fourth of a group of 10 regular rifle divisions formed from cadres of NKVD border and internal troops as standard Red Army rifle divisions, very shortly after the German invasion, in the Moscow Military District. The main attack was preceded by the attempt on the part of a task force consisting of an Engineer Company to capture the town. 10 june (D+4) : Nor will those men of the 2nd Battalion who were on the transport, "Susan B. Anthony", when it struck a mine and sank on June 7th ever forget. Back to the 90th Infantry Division After Action Report menu. 3rd Bn, which completed the relief of the 2nd time at 0600, advanced due S at 0900. First elements of the division saw action on D-Day, 6 June, on Utah Beach, Normandy, the remainder entering combat 10 June, cutting across the Merderet River to take Pont l'Abbe in heavy fighting. By late evening the remnants had routed the Boche and, reinforced by 2 AT Platoons, had organized the crossroads for defense. Through inexplicable circumstances elements of the 4th Armd Div launched a limited objective attack to seize Nay, a locality which had been held by our troops for a period of 5 days. 7 june (D+1) : 359th Infantry and assigned to the 90th Division (later redesignated as the [2], The 359th Infantry was reactivated on March 24, 1947 as a unit of the Organized Reserve Corps (ORC). 2nd Bn moved by marching at 1300 via GONFREVILLE BLEHOW SAINTENY to forward assembly NE of RAIDS. Contact could not be established with the 1st Bn on the left. At 1400, the 3rd Bn 358th Inf attacked SE into the heavily wooded reverse slopes of the FORET. During this period 357th and 359th Infs maintained their positions overlooking the SEVES R, harassing the enemy on the ISLAND with fire of all types.
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